St.Aloysius Girls' SS Kitanga is a girls' school led by MSMMC. It has both Ordinary and Advanced levels.Its a boarding school located in Kitanga Parish, Kabale diocese, Rukiga district

St Aloysius Girls ss Kitanga is a brain child of the Catholic diocese of Kabale. At inception in 1980, the Diocese appointed Rev.Fr.Aloysius Banyenzaki, Mr Kabuki Cyril and Mr Babinga Pantaleo as caretakers but, in
1992, it was officially entrusted to he missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church (MSMMC) institute whose Mother house is at Ngetta.

Lira City as the adminisrators and caretaker of the girls's school. By then, thenumbers had begun to tremendously grown in anticipation of takeover of care taking role by renowned female "Religious" educators.

Currently, it has a student enrollment of 631 girls from s.1 to s.6 and an adminitrative and teaching staff of 34 members that include 14 female role models. it Started as mixed school i.e. boys and girls. Later in 1989, it was made a single school for girls. the purpose was to educate the girl child in and around kashambya subcounty.

  • Sports eg football
  • Music dance and drama
  • DIT porgrams
  • Debate

The school is under the care of Missionary sisters of Mother of the Church


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