Our History

Our foundation was a result of the desire which our founder had as a priest and Bishop to found a congregation of women who will carry on the missionary work of evangelization in Africa and in any other country where there is need.

The Missionary Institute of Mary Mother of the Church, with its Mother House in Lira Diocese, was founded by the Late Rev. Bishop Caesar Asili (R.I.P), who was the first Bishop of Lira Diocese in the Northern Uganda.

The congregation was founded in this modern times solely to contribute mightily with fresh spirit of loving services towards the making of the church in all good works and ready services in the extension and building up of the Church of God in modern language and activity. By positive commitment to, and involvement with Christ through Prayer and Action, to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of the people of God.

His desire was enkindled more when Pope Paul the sixth visited Uganda in 1969 and gave a message that Africans should be missionaries to their fellow Africans.

The Decree of election of the Institute was issued and promulgated accordingly by the Rt. Rev. Bishop C. Asili, by then Bishop of Lira Diocese on 8th December 1970.

The first 14 Novices with the Founder and Sr. Rosalia, a Comboni Missionary Sister who first helped the Founder in the formation. She was replaced by Sr. Ignazia (Comboni Missionary Sister)

On 1st January 1971, the first 14 girls started their initial formation and on 20 January 1974 these girls made their first religious profession. From this time onward, the sisters continued growing in number and in spirit. Today we are 338 professed Sisters and 55 young girls in the formation programme, that is, Novitiate, Postulancy and Aspirancy.

We are missionaries of Christ who Pray, Mediate, Study, Write, Work, Recreate and Sacrifice with love in a manner worthy of our God who called us.

In 1978, Sr. Ignazia Surcis left us and the founder appointed Sr. Elizabeth Mandera to take care of newly founded Institute.

At present we are presently working in 57 communities, 46 in Uganda and 11 outside Uganda i.e. Tanzania, Kenya, Sudan and Italy.

The first and general aim of the Institute is the kingdom of God and personal sanctification of its members through the observance of the three evangelical councils namely; chastity, poverty and obedience, and the constitution of the institute.

The second and specific aim is the Missionary apostolate and any approved apostolate in any Mission country through Catechesis, Education, Medical services, Social communication (press) and Social action.

The above areas of apostolate are achieved through the guidance of Mary our Model and Patron. Our Charism is to share Christ’s LOVE for his people through the Motherhood of Mary.



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